Tuesday, February 16, 2010

One of the most interesting aspects of history to me is how historical events are portrayed in different types of popular culture. Whether it is media from the time period or from more recent times, I always enjoy seeing the different perspectives that people can come up with for the same historical event. The Vietnam War is probably the most opinionated U.S. historical event and it is always cool to kind of see different takes on what people believe. A Philadelphia rap group known as Jedi Mind Tricks decided to throw their hat into the mix and make a song about differing views on the war from a soldier's perspective. Given that the views are two very extreme opposites, it is still pretty neat to see what today's artists have to say about such an important American event. It should also go without saying that the artists' views are not my own.
*****Warning: The lyrics are explicit so please use discretion when watching*****


  1. Awesome incorporation of the video.

  2. nice incorporation of the video...interesting way to do it though if you were actually teaching it might not quite be school appropriate
